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Meaning of GROIN

Pronunciation:  groyn

Matching Terms:  Groined, groined vault

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abutment, anchorage, anchorage ground, arc-boutant, arch dam, backstop, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, basin, beam, bear-trap dam, beaver dam, berth, boom, branch, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, buffer, bulkhead, bulwark, buttress, buttress pier, buttressing, cofferdam, crotch, crutch, dam, defense, delta, dike, ditch, dock, dockage, dockyard, dry dock, earthwork, embankment, fan, fence, flying buttress, fork, furcula, furculum, gate, gravity dam, hanging buttress, harbor, harborage, haven, hydraulic-fill dam, inguen, iron curtain, jam, jetty, jutty, landing, landing place, landing stage, leaping weir, levee, logjam, marina, milldam, moat, mole, moorings, mound, offshoot, parapet, pier, pier buttress, port, portcullis, prong, protected anchorage, quay, ramification, rampart, retaining wall, road, roadblock, roads, roadstead, rock-fill dam, seaport, seawall, shipyard, shoulder, shutter dam, slip, stem, stone wall, trident, V, wall, weir, wharf, wicket dam, wishbone, work



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