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Meaning of DAIRY

Pronunciation:  'dehree

Matching Terms:  Daira, dairy cattle, dairy cow, dairy farm, dairy farmer, dairy farming, dairy product, dairying, dairymaid, dairyman, Dairywoman

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are in a dairy, is a good omen. Much fortune will come your way and you will never be without the basic necessities in life.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: appetizing store, armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, bakery, bakeshop, bindery, boatyard, bodega, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, butcher shop, buttery, cannery, creamery, dairy house, defense plant, deli, delicatessen, distillery, dockyard, factory, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, flour mill, food shop, food store, fruit stand, grocery, grocery store, groceteria, health food store, industrial park, industrial zone, larder, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, meat market, mill, mint, munitions plant, oil refinery, packing house, pantry, plant, pork store, pottery, power plant, production line, push-button plant, refinery, root cellar, sawmill, shipyard, spence, stillroom, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, superette, supermarket, tannery, vegetable store, winery, yard, yards