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Meaning of CUDDLE

Pronunciation:  'kudl

Matching Terms:  cuddlesome, cuddling, cuddly

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are cuddling with someone indicates your need for physical and/or emotional contact. Do not overlook the obvious meaning of this dream which suggests your heart's desire for that particular person. Also consider the symbolism of that person you are cuddling with and determine how you need to acknowledge, accept, and unify those qualities in yourself.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: bill and coo, bundle, burrow, caress, cosset, croodle, cuddle up, curl up, dandle, embrace, enfold, fondle, hold, hug, lap, love, neck, nestle, nuzzle, pet, smooch, snug, snug up, snuggle, snuggle up to