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Meaning of CANOPY

Pronunciation:  'kanupee

Matching Terms:  canopic jar, canopic vase, canopied, Canopus, canopy cover, canopy density

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a canopy in your dream, symbolizes protection. You may also be elevated to a prominent position.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: air, altar carpet, altar cloth, antimacassar, apply to, awning, azure, baldacchino, baldachin, belvedere, blanket, blind, block, blue sky, caelum, Caelus, canopy of heaven, centerpiece, cerecloth, cerement, cerulean, chrismal, ciborium, cloak, cloth, clothe, cloud, cope, corporal, cover, cover up, cowl, cozy, curtain, doily, dossal, eclipse, empyrean, ether, fanon, film, fingerstall, firmament, gazebo, hat, heaven, heavens, hood, housing, hyaline, jalousie, lamp shade, lay on, lay over, lift, lifts, mantle, marquee, marquise, mask, muffle, obduce, obscure, occult, overlay, overspread, pall, parasol, pavilion, pith helmet, pledget, purdah, put on, roof, scarf, screen, scum, shade, shade tree, sheet, shield, shroud, shutter, sky, smoke screen, spread over, starry heaven, summerhouse, sun hat, sun helmet, sunbonnet, sunshade, superimpose, superpose, tablecloth, tarpaulin, tent, tester, the blue, the blue serene, tidy, topee, umbrella, vault, vault of heaven, veil, veiling, venetian blind, visor, welkin, window curtain, window screen, window shade