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Meaning of CALOMEL

Pronunciation:  'kalu`mel

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a tasteless colorless powder used medicinally as a cathartic
 Synonyms: mercurous chloride
 See Also: atomic number 80, chloride, Hg, hydrargyrum, mercury, quicksilver



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cal"o*mel\, n. [Gr. ????? beautiful + ????? black. So
called from its being white, though made from a black mixture
of mercury and corrosive sublimate. Cf. F. calom['e]las.]
Mild chloride of mercury, {Hg2Cl2}, a heavy, white or
yellowish white substance, insoluble and tasteless, much used
in medicine as a mercurial and purgative; mercurous chloride.
It occurs native as the mineral horn quicksilver.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing calomel in your dream, forewarns that a rival will be the main cause of your distress and unhappiness. Dreaming that you are drinking calomel tea means that you are being manipulated and used by your lover. It is time to open your eyes and do not allow yourself to be stepped on.