Meaning of BEGIN
Pronunciation: | | bi'gin
Matching Terms: | | begild, beginner, beginning, beginning rhyme, beginning(a), Begird, Begirdle, Begirt
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming about beginning something indicates that valuable time has been wasted through procrastination. You need to get on with life and put your plans into motion. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | arise, attack, blast away, blast off, broach, commence, create, dig in, dive in, embark, enter, enter on, enter upon, establish, fall to, found, get off, get to, go ahead, go into, head into, inaugurate, initiate, institute, introduce, jump off, kick off, launch, lead off, open, originate, pitch in, plunge into, prepare, send off, set about, set in, set out, set sail, set to, set up, spring, start, start in, start off, start out, tackle, take off, take up, turn to, usher in |