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Meaning of BATHTUB

Pronunciation:  'bath`tub

Matching Terms:  bathtub curve, bathtub gin

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of a bathtub, suggests a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. You need to rid yourself of the burdens that you have been carrying. Alternatively, it indicates your mood for love and pursuit of pleasure and relaxation. Dreaming that you or someone has drowned in a bathtub indicates that you are not as ready as you had thought you were in facing your fears and emotions. You are feeling overwhelmed in confronting your repressed emotions. You need to take things more slowly, instead of trying to dive right in.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, basin, bath, bidet, dishpan, dishwasher, ewer, finger bowl, kitchen sink, lavabo, lavatory, piscina, shower, shower bath, shower curtain, shower head, shower room, shower stall, showers, sink, tub, wash barrel, wash boiler, washbasin, washbowl, washdish, washer, washing machine, washing pot, washpot, washstand, washtub