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Meaning of TRIP WIRE

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a wire that activates a trap when tripped over
 See Also: wire



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Smart, brutish ex-military cop Jack Reacher can kill with his bare hands and stop bullets with his abundant pectorals, but can he fight the evil Hook Hobie, a corporate loan shark with a disfigured face, a metal hook for a right hand, and a taste for blood? After years of living a hermit`s life and digging swimming pools in Key West, a private investigator hired by his former army commanding officer Leon Garber lures Jack back to the big city. When both the PI and Garber are found brutally killed, Jack joins Leon`s enchanting daughter Jodie in her search for the killer and for the truth behind a missing persons investigation Leon had been working on before his death. The determined duo soon finds that all paths lead to Hobie. From there, the real battle begins.

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