| Definition: | |  Summer Camp Just as children have no boundaries on their imaginations, so are there no limits to the subject matter of Crabapples. Created by Bobbie Kalman, author of more than 100 bestselling children`s books, Crabapples are starter non-fiction books for primary students. Each entertaining book features fascinating, easy-to-understand information along with awesome full-color photos and illustrations on everything from penguins and bugs to dirt movers and sea life. They also contain the all-important glossary and index young students need to do reports. Summer camp is a special place where memories are created, friendships are formed, and lifelong skills are developed. Summer Camp takes both the experienced camper and nervous first-timer on a guided tour of camp. Young campers are shown being instructed by counselors on: -- setting up campsites -- swimming, canoeing, hiking and other sports -- making crafts -- dealing with homesickness -- how to gain a sense of independence and self-esteem more details ... |