| Definition: | |  Shadow of Doubt When her first husband died of poisoning ten years ago, Celia Shepherd was arrested and tried for murder. Her release on a technicality never did clear her name -- even in the eyes of her own parents, who cut off all contact with her. Now the nightmare is repeating itself. Celia`s present husband, detective Stan Shepherd, lies comatose in the Newpointe hospital. The cause: arsenic poisoning. But that`s not all. An old flame has shown up in this small Louisiana town, claiming Celia invited him and has even provided him with an apartment. It`s not hard to guess what people think, or for the police to add two and two and come up with Celia as their suspect in a murder attempt. But for attorney Jill Clark and Pastor Nick Foster, the evidence fits together just a bit too neatly. Could it be that behind this apparent open-and-shut case, hands more cunning than Celia`s are at work...and a heart far more capable of murder? Jill and Nick aren`t the only ones who think so. Stan Shepherd, reviving from his coma, is ready to stake his life on it. The question is, can the three of them make their way through a growing swirl of deeply incriminating circumstances and vindicate Celia? Or will what they find put her behind bars for good? more details ... |