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Meaning of ROUND ROBIN

Pronunciation:  rawnd 'râbin

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a letter signed by a number of people
  2. [n]  a tournament in which every contestant plays every other contestant
 See Also: letter, missive, tournament, tourney



Products Dictionary

Round Robin
Last seen in THE QUILTER`S APPRENTICE, Sarah McClure is now facing a troubling turning point in her life. Her marriage, once perfect, is now on the rocks. Her relationships with her mother and best friend Sylvia are suffering. It`s only when Sarah joins the a women`s sewing group called the Elm Creek Quilters and learns of each woman`s past that her faith in love and friendship is renewed.

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Computing Dictionary

A scheduling algorithm in which processes are activated in a fixed cyclic order. Those which cannot proceed because they are waiting for some event (e.g. termination of a child process or an input/output operation) simply return control to the scheduler. The virtue of round-robin scheduling is its simplicity - only the processes themselves need to know what they are waiting for or how to tell if it has happened. However, if a process goes back to sleep just before the event for which it is waiting occurs then the event will not get handled until all the other processes have been activated.

Compare priority scheduling.