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Meaning of POLY-

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Pol"y-\ [See {Full}, a.]
    A combining form or prefix from Gr. poly`s, many; as,
    polygon, a figure of many angles; polyatomic, having many
    atoms; polychord, polyconic.
  2. \Po"ly\, n. [L. polium, the name of a plant, perhaps
    Teucrium polium, Gr. ?.] (Bot.)
    A whitish woolly plant ({Teucrium Polium}) of the order
    {Labiat[ae]}, found throughout the Mediterranean region. The
    name, with sundry prefixes, is sometimes given to other
    related species of the same genus. [Spelt also {poley}.]
    {Poly mountain}. See {Poly-mountain}, in Vocabulary.
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Computing Dictionary

1. A polymorphic, block-structured language developed by D.C.J. Matthews at Cambridge in the early 1980s.

["An Overview of the Poly Programming Language", D.C.J. Matthews, in Data Types and Persistence, M.P. Atkinson et al eds, Springer 1988].

2. A language developed at Saint Andrews University, Scotland.

[Software Practice & Exp, Oct 1986].

3. A polymorphic language used in the referenced book.

["Polymorphic Programming Languages", David M. Harland, Ellis Horwood 1984].

Medical Dictionary
 Definition: Prefix meaning multiple.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: An enzyme that catalyzes the addition of adenine residues to the 3' end of pre-messenger RNAs to form the poly(A) tail.