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Meaning of PHASE IV

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires to manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects; during phase IV the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
 Synonyms: phase IV clinical trials
 See Also: clinical test, clinical trial



Products Dictionary

Phase IV
This eerie tale about super-intelligent ants marks the feature film directorial debut of noted designer Saul Bass ("Psycho"). The story concerns two scientists who install themselves in an ant-proof dome full of computer equipment that interprets the ants' communications. When the men spread yellow poison over the area, annihilating millions of ants, the surviving ants find an antidote to the poison and, even stronger, they strike back. What follows is not so much science fiction as it is science fact thrust one step forward. Incredible photography.

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