PENTA-: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Matching Terms: | | Pentabasic, Pentacapsular, Pentachenium, Pentachloride, pentachlorophenol, Pentachord, Pentacid, pentacle, Pentacoccous, Pentaconter, Pentacrinin, Pentacrinite, Pentacrinoid, Pentacrinus, Pentacron, Pentacrostic, Pentad, Pentadactyl, pentadactylism, Pentadactyloid, Pentadecane, Pentadecatoic, Pentadecylic, Pentadelphous, pentaerythritol, Pentafid, Pentaglot, Pentagon, pentagonal, Pentagonally, Pentagonous, Pentagram, Pentagraphic, Pentagynia, Pentagynian, Pentahedral, Pentahedrical, pentahedron, Pentahedrous, Pentail, Pentalpha, Pentamera, Pentameran, Pentamerous, Pentamerus, Pentameter, Pentamethylene, pentamethylenetetrazol, Pentandria, Pentandrian, Pentane, pentanedioic acid, Pentangle, pentangular, pentanoic acid, Pentapetalous, Pentaphyllous, Pentapody, Pentaptote, Pentaptych, Pentarchy, Pentaspast, Pentaspermous, Pentastich, Pentastichous, pentastomid, Pentastomida, Pentastyle, pentasyllabic, Pentateuch, Pentateuchal, Pentathionic, pentathlete, pentathlon, Pentatomic, pentatonic, pentatonic scale, pentavalent, pentazocine
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Pen"ta-\ [Gr. ?, a later combining form of ? five. See
1. A combining form denoting five; as, pentacapsular;
2. (Chem.) Denoting the degree of five, either as regards
quality, property, or composition; as, pentasulphide;
pentoxide, etc. Also used adjectively.