Meaning of PAPPY
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Pappy John Ford`s grandson draws on the director`s personal archives and on intimate reminiscences from his family and friends--including John Wayne, Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, and George O`Brien--to produce the most complete and honest portrait ever written of the man and his astonishing career. 38 photos. more details ... |
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Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | | \Pap"py\, a. [From {Pap} soft food.]
Like pap; soft; succulent; tender. --Ray.
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abba, dad, daddy, dead, dilute, diluted, fade, father, flat, flavorless, foster father, genitor, governor, gruelly, inane, indifferent, insipid, jejune, mild, milk-and-water, mushy, old man, pa, pap, papa, pater, paterfamilias, patriarch, pop, pops, pulpy, sapless, savorless, sire, spiceless, spongy, squashy, squelchy, squishy, squushy, stale, stepfather, tasteless, the old man, thin, unflavored, unsavory, vapid, washy, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, wishy-washy, yielding |