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PALET: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Matching Terms:  Pale, pale chrysanthemum aphid, pale coral root, pale violet, pale yellow, Palea, Paleaceous, Paleacrita, Paleacrita vernata, Palearctic, Paled, Paleechinoidea, paleencephalon, Paleface, Paleichthyes, palely, Palempore, paleness, Palenque, Paleo-, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropology, paleo-beach, paleobiology, Paleobotanist, paleobotany, Paleocarida, Paleocene, Paleocene epoch, paleocerebellum, paleoclimatology, paleocortex, paleocortical, Paleocrinoidea, Paleocrystic, paleodendrology, paleoecology, paleoencephalon, paleoentomology, paleoenvironments, paleoethnobotany, paleoethnography, Paleogaean, paleogeography, paleogeology, Paleograph, Paleographer, Paleographic, Paleographist, paleography, paleoindian, Paleola, paleolith, Paleolithic, Paleolithic Age, Paleologist, Paleology, paleomagnetism, paleomammalogy, Paleontographical, Paleontography, Paleontological, Paleontologist, paleontologists, Paleontology, paleopathology, Paleophytologist, Paleophytology, Paleornithology, Paleosaurus, paleosol, paleospecies, paleostriatum, Paleotechnic, Paleothere, Paleotherian, Paleotherium, Paleotheroid, Paleotype, Paleous, Paleozoic, Paleozoic era, paleozoology, Paleozooogy, Palermo, Palesie, Palestina, Palestine, Palestinian, Palestra, Palestrian, Palestrina, paletiology, Paletot, palette, palette knife, Palewise

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Pal"et\, n. [See {Palea}.] (Bot.)
    Same as {Palea}.
  2. \Pa"let\, n. [Dim. of pale. See {Pale} a stake.] (Her.)
    A perpendicular band upon an escutcheon, one half the breadth
    of the pale.