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Meaning of NEW ZEALAND

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  North Island and South Island and adjacent small islands in the South Pacific Ocean
  2. [n]  an independent country within the British Commonwealth; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1907; known for sheep and spectacular scenery
 See Also: capital of New Zealand, Christchurch, country, island, Kiwi, land, New Zealand, New Zealander, Pacific, Pacific Ocean, state, Wellington



Products Dictionary

New Zealand
"New Zealand" was published in September 1997 by Fielding Worldwide. This 448 page English language paperback edition is authored by Zeke Wigglesworth, edited by Kathy Knoles and Joan Wigglesworth.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\New` Zea"land\
A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean.
{New Zealand flax}.
(a) (Bot.) A tall, liliaceous herb ({Phormium tenax}), having
    very long, sword-shaped, distichous leaves which furnish
    a fine, strong fiber very valuable for cordage and the
(b) The fiber itself.
{New Zealand tea} (Bot.), a myrtaceous shrub ({Leptospermum
   scoparium}) of New Zealand and Australia, the leaves of
   which are used as a substitute for tea.