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Meaning of MARY STUART

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  Queen of Scotland from 1542 to 1567; as a Catholic she was forced to abdicate in favor of her son (later James I of England) and fled to England where she was imprisoned by Elizabeth I; when Catholic supporters plotted to put her on the English throne she was tried and executed for sedition (1542-1587)
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 Synonyms: Mary Queen of Scots
 See Also: female monarch, queen, queen regnant



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Mary Stuart
Many have told the tragic tale of Mary Queen of Scots -- it is irresistible-but none more powerfully than Friedrich Schiller. Powerful is the word since, as Schiller himself put it: [Mary+ does not feel or excite tenderness. It is her destiny to experience and enflame violent passions . Like Mary Stuart herself and the legends which pursued her to her death, Schiller`s drama continues to captivate the modern imagination nearly two centuries later. Eric Bentley`s lean, forceful rendering of the German masterpiece will command the attention of theatre audiences for years to come.

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