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Meaning of LOVE SONG

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Love Song
A collection of four stories centering on love, hate, and loss, deal with a young woman who abuses her boyfriend; three sisters who share a secret; a high school misfit with psychic healing powers; and a girl on a space colony who wants to live on Earth

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alba, anthem, art song, aubade, ballad, ballade, ballata, barcarole, blues, blues song, boat song, Brautlied, bridal hymn, brindisi, calypso, canso, canticle, canzone, canzonet, canzonetta, carol, cavatina, chanson, chant, chantey, Christmas carol, croon, croon song, dirge, ditty, drinking song, epithalamium, folk song, hymeneal, Kunstlied, lay, Liebeslied, lied, lilt, love-lilt, matin, minstrel song, minstrelsy, national anthem, prothalamium, serena, serenade, serenata, song, theme song, torch song, Volkslied, war song, wedding song