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Meaning of IQ

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)
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 Synonyms: I.Q., intelligence quotient
 See Also: adult intelligence, borderline intelligence, ratio



Computing Dictionary
  1. Pictorial query language, implemented in Ratfor.

    ["Structured Implementation of an Image Query Language", Y.E. Lien et al, in Database Techniques for Pictorial Applications, A. Blaser ed, pp.416-430].

  2. The country code for Iraq.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: achievement test, alpha test, apperception test, apprehension, aptitude test, association test, Bernreuter personality inventory, beta test, Binet-Simon test, Brown personality inventory, caliber, capacity, comprehension, conception, controlled association test, deductive power, esemplastic power, free association test, Goldstein-Sheerer test, ideation, inkblot test, integrative power, intellect, intellectual grasp, intellectual power, intellectualism, intellectuality, intelligence, intelligence quotient, intelligence test, interest inventory, IQ test, Kent mental test, knowledge, mental age, mental capacity, mental grasp, mental ratio, mental test, mentality, Minnesota preschool scale, mother wit, native wit, Oseretsky test, personality test, power of mind, psychological test, rationality, reasoning power, Rorschach test, sanity, scope of mind, sense, standardized test, Stanford revision, Stanford-Binet test, Szondi test, TAT, thematic apperception test, thinking power, understanding, Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale, wit, word association test