| Definition: | | Huckleberry Finn The heartwarming tale of "Huckleberry Finn" comes magically to life in this song-filled adaptation of Mark Twain's popular novel. Few fictional characters are cherished so dearly as young Huck Finn (Jeff East) and the runaway slave (Academy Award nominee Paul Winfield), who are forced to take a journey down the Mississippi River in search of their own individual freedoms. Along the way they run into plenty of amusing and frightening adventures and are introduced to several eccentric individuals - including The King (Harvey Korman) and The Duke (David Wayne), who graciously refine Huck's techniques in the art of deception. But what makes this version of the classic story so unique is its charming musical numbers created by Oscar winners Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman. From Winfield's heartfelt "Some Day, Honey Darling." to Korman's comical "Royal Nonesuch," the songs give the film an uplifting energy that make it a truly joyful movie experience. more details ... |