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Meaning of HELL-BENT

Pronunciation:  hel bent

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  recklessly determined; "hell-bent on winning"
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 Synonyms: resolute



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: amain, apace, at flank speed, bent on, dead set on, decided upon, determined upon, double-quick, expeditiously, fast, fixed upon, hand over fist, hand over hand, hastily, hell for leather, hell-bent for election, hell-bent on, in double time, in double-quick time, in high, in high gear, in seven-league boots, intent upon, lickety-cut, lickety-split, on the double, post, posthaste, promptly, quick, quickly, rapidly, resolved upon, set on, settled upon, snappily, sot on, speedily, swiftly, trippingly, under forced draft, whip and spur, with all haste, with giant strides, with rapid strides, with speed