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GUITAR: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Pronunciation:  gi'târ

Matching Terms:  guitar pick, guitar player, guitarfish, guitarist

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking
 See Also: acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitar, fingerboard, gittern, Hawaiian guitar, steel guitar, stringed instrument, uke, ukulele



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Gui*tar"\, n. [F. guitare; cf. Pr., Sp., & Pg. guitarra,
It. chitarra; all fr. Gr. ?; cf. L. cithara. Cf. {Cittern},
A stringed instrument of music resembling the lute or the
violin, but larger, and having six strings, three of silk
covered with silver wire, and three of catgut, -- played upon
with the fingers.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you have or play a guitar, represents passion and emotion. It also has relates to sexual connotations. Seeing an unstrung or broken guitar means disappointments in love.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: archlute, balalaika, banjo, banjorine, banjo-uke, banjo-ukulele, banjo-zither, banjuke, bass guitar, centerhole guitar, concert guitar, Dobro guitar, electric guitar, F-hole guitar, lute, mando-bass, mando-cello, mandola, mandolin, mandolute, mandore, oud, pandora, pandura, samisen, sitar, Spanish guitar, steel guitar, tamboura, theorbo, troubadour fiddle, uke, ukulele