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Meaning of GO FOR BROKE

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Go for Broke
Despite the injustices inflicted upon Japanese Americans by the U.S. government during World War II, many desperately wanted to serve their country. Though most were turned away, the U.S. Armed Forces agreed to form two all-Japanese-American regiments that quickly took their place among the Army`s elite. This book looks at their remarkable achievements, including a decisive victory over German forces that helped set up the Allied victory in Europe.

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: be determined, be in earnest, be resolved, bell the cat, buckle down, buckle to, carry through, court danger, cross the Rubicon, defy danger, die fighting, die hard, do to perfection, do up brown, exhaust every move, flirt with death, follow out, follow through, follow up, go all lengths, go all out, go the limit, go whole hog, leave nothing hanging, mean business, never say die, overlook nothing, play Russian roulette, play with fire, see it through, see out, shoot the works, strain every nerve, take the plunge, tempt Providence