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Pronunciation:  d`eehIdr'eyshun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the process of extracting moisture
  2. [n]  depletion of bodily fluids
  3. [n]  dryness resulting from the removal of water
 Synonyms: desiccation, desiccation, drying up, evaporation
 See Also: dryness, extraction, freeze-drying, inspissation, lyophilisation, lyophilization, thirst, waterlessness, xerotes



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\De`hy*dra"tion\, n. (Chem.)
The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition
of a body from which the water has been removed.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: "Dehydration" is often used in clinical practice to indicate the combined loss of both water and sodium. Many physiologists would have preferred the term to be used to indicate pure water loss. However, patients never lose only water. Likewise, the term "re-hydration" is never used by clinician to mean giving patients pure water. Miscommunication between clinicians does not occur because detailed laboratory data such as serum electrolytes, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and glucose levels as well as the type of fluids used to "re-hydrate" are always included in their conversation.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: air-drying, anhydration, blast-freezing, bottling, brining, canning, corning, curing, dehumidification, desiccation, drainage, dry-curing, drying, drying up, embalming, evaporation, freeze-drying, freezing, fuming, insolation, irradiation, jerking, marination, mummification, pickling, potting, quick-freezing, refrigeration, salting, seasoning, smoking, stuffing, taxidermy, tinning, withering