| Definition: | |  Black-Capped Chickadee -- Hard-to-observe behaviors captured by top wildlife photographers -- Fascinating and lively text by leading ornithologists -- Complete picture of a species` life in the wild This series will find a welcome place in bird-watching`s storehouse of literature . -- Pete Dunne, Director Natural History Information, New Jersey Audubon Society A study of the life of the Black-capped Chickadee reveals surprising facts about the familiar backyard visitor: It is exceptionally agile, yet it cannot walk headfirst down trees. Females engage in extrapair mating with higher-ranked -- but never lower-ranked -- males. Chickadees use controlled hypothermia to help them survive frigid winter nights. This unique guide offers an entertaining examination of the natural history of this popular songbird -- from courtship, and nesting to communicating, foraging, and flying. Full-color photos illustrate every aspect of the Black-capped Chickadee`s life, making Black-Capped Chickadee an essential reference for anyone with an interest in learning more about birds. more details ... |