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Meaning of SCOTTISH

Pronunciation:  'skâtish

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the dialect of English used in Scotland
  2. [adj]  of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language; "Scots gaelic"; "the Scots community in New York"; "`Scottish' tends to be the more formal term as in `The Scottish Symphony' or `Scottish authors' or `Scottish mountains'"; "`Scotch' is in disfavor with Scottish people and is used primarily outside Scotland except in such frozen phrases as `Scotch broth' or `Scotch whiskey' or `Scotch plaid'"
 Synonyms: Scotch, Scots, Scots, Scots English
 See Also: English, English language, Lallans, Scottish Lallans



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Scot"tish\, a. [From {Scot} a Scotchman: cf. AS.
Scyttisc, and E. {Scotch}, a., {Scots}, a.]
Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Scotland, their
country, or their language; as, Scottish industry or economy;
a Scottish chief; a Scottish dialect.