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Meaning of OBERON

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Ob"er*on\ ([o^]b"[~e]r*[o^]n), n. [F., fr. OF. Auberon;
prob. of Frankish origin.] (Medi[ae]val Mythol.)
The king of the fairies, and husband of Titania or Queen Mab.
Computing Dictionary

A strongly typed procedural programming language and an operating environment evolved from Modula-2 by Nicklaus Wirth in 1988. Oberon adds type extension (inheritance), extensible record types, multidimensional open arrays, and garbage collection. It eliminates variant records, enumeration types, subranges, lower array indices and for loops.

A successor called Oberon-2 by H. Moessenboeck features a handful of extensions to Oberon including type-bound procedures (methods).

Seneca is a variant of Oberon focussing on numerical programming under development by R. Griesemer in April 1993 (to be renamed).

See also Ceres workstation Oberon System.



Free ETH Oberon. MS-DOS. Amiga.

["The Programming Language Oberon", N. Wirth, Soft Prac & Exp 18(7):671-690 July 1988].

["Programming in Oberon: Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula", M. Reiser & N. Wirth, A-W 1992].

["Project Oberon: the design of an operating system and compiler", N. Wirth & J. Gutknecht, ACM Press 1992].

["The Oberon Companion: A Guide to Using and Programming Oberon System 3", André Fischer, Hannes Marais, vdf Verlag der Fachhochschulen, Zurich, 1997, ISBN 3-7281-2493-1. Includes CD-ROM for Windows, Linux, Macintosh and PC Native].

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: Ariel, banshee, Befind, brownie, cluricaune, Corrigan, dwarf, elf, fairy, fairy queen, fay, Finnbeara, gnome, goblin, gremlin, hob, imp, kobold, leprechaun, Mab, ouphe, peri, pixie, pooka, puca, pwca, sprite, sylph, sylphid, Titania