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Meaning of CANTONESE

Pronunciation:  `kan'tneez

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the dialect of Chinese spoken in Canton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside China
 Synonyms: Cantonese dialect, Yue, Yue dialect
 See Also: Chinese



Products Dictionary

This is a complete course in spoken and written Cantonese. If you have never learned Cantonese before, or if your Cantonese needs brushing up, Teach Yourself Cantonese is for you. Hugh Baker and Hanson Ho have created a practical course that is both fun and easy to work through. They explain everything clearly along the way and give you plenty of opportunities to practice what you have learned. The course structure means that you can work at your own pace, arranging your learning to suit your needs. The course contains twenty-six graded units of dialogues, culture notes, grammar, and exercises (including four revision units); a pronunciation guide; a brief introduction to Chinese script; and a Cantonese-English vocabulary. By the end of the course you`ll be able to cope with a whole range of situations and participate fully and confidently in life among Cantonese-speakers in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

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