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c ---> cadaverous
cadbait ---> caladenia
caladenia cairnsiana ---> calico
calico aster ---> calluna
calluna vulgaris ---> cameo
camera ---> canalis vertebralis
canalisation ---> canna
canna edulis ---> caoutchouc tree
caoutchoucin ---> capital of malaysia
capital of malta ---> caprification
caprifig ---> carbazotic
carbide ---> cardiomegaly
cardiometry ---> carnallite
carnally ---> carrion crow
carrion flower ---> cascarillin
cascaron ---> castilleia
castilleja ---> catcall
catch ---> cat's-ear
cat's-eye ---> caviller
cavilous ---> cell doctrine
cell membrane ---> central america
central american ---> cerate
cerated ---> cerumen
ceruminous ---> chahta
chaim azriel weizmann ---> chancel
chancellery ---> charcoal-grey
charcot ---> chase away
chased ---> cheese sauce
cheese souffle ---> chernozemic soil
cherogril ---> chicken stew
chicken stock ---> chimney plant
chimney swallow ---> chiroplast
chiropodist ---> choeronycteris
choeronycteris mexicana ---> chorizema
c-horizon ---> chromophotolithograph
chromoplast ---> church of rome
church of the brethren ---> cimicifuga
cimicifuga americana ---> circumflex
circumflex artery ---> citric acid
citric acid cycle ---> clamorously
clamour ---> class placodermi
class plectomycetes ---> clear the throat
clear up ---> climb
climb down ---> cloop
cloot ---> club
club car ---> coal seam
coal shovel ---> cochlearia officinalis
cochlearius ---> coefficient of reflection
coefficient of self induction ---> cohesible
cohesion ---> collagen
collagenous ---> colonialist
colonic ---> columnlike
colure ---> coming together
coming upon ---> common american shad
common amsinckia ---> common yellowthroat
common yellowwood ---> compatible software
compatibleness ---> compound lever
compound microscope ---> concavous
conceal ---> concretively
concretize ---> confederater
confederation ---> congenital abnormality
congenital afibrinogenemia ---> connect
connected ---> consilience
consimilitude ---> consumed
consumedly ---> continuous tense
continuously ---> contumacy
contumelious ---> co-occurrence
cooccurring ---> copper-nickel
copper-nose ---> cords
corduroy ---> cornigerous
cornin ---> corridor train
corrie ---> cosh
cosher ---> cotter pin
cottidae ---> counterfaisance
counterfeit ---> court game
court of appeals ---> cow-pilot
cowpock ---> cranelike
crane's bill ---> creased
creaseless ---> crepe paper
crepe rubber ---> crispate
crispation ---> crossbarred
crossbeak ---> crowing
crowkeeper ---> cryoanesthesia
cryocautery ---> cubit
cubital ---> culvertailed
cum ---> curialistic
curiality ---> cussed
cussedly ---> cyanurate
cyanuret ---> cynomys
cynomys gunnisoni ---> czerny