Meaning of STAGE2
Matching Terms: | | stage, Stage 0 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, stage business, stage crew, stage dancing, stage direct, stage direction, Stage director, stage door, stage effect, stage fright, Stage I Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage I Anal Cancer, Stage I Bladder Cancer, Stage I Breast Cancer, Stage I Cancer of the Cervix, Stage I Cancer of the Esophagus, Stage I Cancer of the Uterus, Stage I Cancer of the Vulva, Stage I Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Stage I Colorectal Cancer, Stage I Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Stage I Endometrial Cancer, Stage I Hodgkin's Disease, Stage I Hypopharynx Cancer, Stage I Kidney Cancer, Stage I Laryngeal Cancer, Stage I Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer, Stage I Melanoma, Stage I Mesothelioma, Stage I Multiple Myeloma, Stage I Nasopharynx Cancer, Stage I Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage I Oropharynx Cancer, Stage I Ovarian Cancer, Stage I Pancreatic Cancer, Stage I Prostate Cancer, Stage I Stomach Cancer, Stage I Testicular Cancer, Stage I Wilms' Tumor, Stage IA Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage IB Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage II Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage II Anal Cancer, Stage II Bladder Cancer, Stage II Breast Cancer, Stage II Cancer of the Cervix, Stage II Cancer of the Esophagus, Stage II Cancer of the Uterus, Stage II Cancer of the Vulva, Stage II Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Stage II Colorectal Cancer, Stage II Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Stage II Endometrial Cancer, Stage II Hodgkin's Disease, Stage II Hypopharynx Cancer, Stage II Kidney Cancer, Stage II Laryngeal Cancer, Stage II Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer, Stage II Melanoma, Stage II Mesothelioma, Stage II Multiple Myeloma, Stage II Nasopharynx Cancer, Stage II Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage II Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage II Oropharynx Cancer, Stage II Ovarian Cancer, Stage II Pancreatic Cancer, Stage II Prostate Cancer, Stage II Stomach Cancer, Stage II Testicular Cancer, Stage II Wilms' Tumor, Stage IIA Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage IIB Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage IIC Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage III Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage III Anal Cancer, Stage III Bladder Cancer, Stage III Breast Cancer, Stage III Cancer of the Cervix, Stage III Cancer of the Esophagus, Stage III Cancer of the Uterus, Stage III Cancer of the Vulva, Stage III Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Stage III Colorectal Cancer, Stage III Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Stage III Endometrial Cancer, Stage III Hodgkin's Disease, Stage III Hypopharynx Cancer, Stage III Kidney Cancer, Stage III Laryngeal Cancer, Stage III Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer, Stage III Melanoma, Stage III Mesothelioma, Stage III Multiple Myeloma, Stage III Nasopharynx Cancer, Stage III Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage III Oropharynx Cancer, Stage III Ovarian Cancer, Stage III Pancreatic Cancer, Stage III Prostate Cancer, Stage III Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage III Stomach Cancer, Stage III Testicular Cancer, Stage III Wilms' Tumor, Stage IIIA Anal Cancer, Stage IIIA Breast Cancer, Stage IIIB Anal Cancer, Stage IIIB Breast Cancer, Stage IV Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage IV Anal Cancer, Stage IV Bladder Cancer, Stage IV Breast Cancer, Stage IV Cancer of the Cervix, Stage IV Cancer of the Esophagus, Stage IV Cancer of the Uterus, Stage IV Cancer of the Vulva, Stage IV Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Stage IV Colorectal Cancer, Stage IV Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Stage IV Endometrial Cancer, Stage IV Hodgkin's Disease, Stage IV Hypopharynx Cancer, Stage IV Kidney Cancer, Stage IV Laryngeal Cancer, Stage IV Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer, Stage IV Melanoma, Stage IV Mesothelioma, Stage IV Nasopharynx Cancer, Stage IV Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage IV Oropharynx Cancer, Stage IV Ovarian Cancer, Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, Stage IV Prostate Cancer, Stage IV Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage IV Stomach Cancer, Stage IV Wilms' Tumor, Stage IVA Pancreatic Cancer, stage left, stage manager, stage name, stage right, stage set, stage setting, stage technician, Stage V Wilms' Tumor, stage whisper, stagecoach, Stagecoachman, stagecraft, staged, stagehand, Stagehouse, Stagely, Stageplay, Stageplayer, stager, Stagery, Stage-struck, stagey
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A macro language. ["The Mobile Programming System: STAGE2", W.M. Waite, CACM 13:415 (1970)]. |
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