Meaning of SEQUE
Matching Terms: | | Sequacious, Sequaciousness, Sequacity, Sequel, Sequela, sequella, sequenator, Sequence, Sequence assembly, sequence hypothesis, sequence tagged site, Sequence tagged site (STS), Sequenced Packet Exchange, sequencer, Sequence-tagged site, Sequencing, Sequencing technology, Sequent, sequential, sequential coding, sequential file matching, sequential hermaphrodite, sequential operation, Sequential Parlog Machine, sequential processing, Sequential Treatment, sequentially, sequester, sequestered, Sequestrable, Sequestral, sequestrate, sequestration, Sequestration of witnesses, Sequestrator, Sequestrum, sequin, sequined, Sequoia, Sequoia gigantea, Sequoia National Park, Sequoia sempervirens, Sequoia Wellingtonia, Sequoiadendron, Sequoiadendron giganteum, Sequoiene, Sequoya, Sequoyah
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | "Seque: A Programming Language for Manipulating Sequences", R.E. Griswold et al, Comp Langs 13(1):13-22 (1988). |
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