Meaning of OBLIQ
Matching Terms: | | Obligable, obligate, obligate anaerobe, obligate wetland species, obligated(p), obligation, obligational, obligato, Obligatorily, Obligatoriness, obligatory, oblige, obliged(p), Obligee, Obligement, obliger, obliging, obligingly, obligingness, Obligor, Obliquation, oblique, oblique angle, oblique bandage, oblique case, oblique stroke, oblique triangle, oblique vein of the left atrium, Oblique-angled, Obliquely, obliqueness, obliquity, Oblite, obliterable, obliterate, obliterated, obliterating, obliteration, Obliterative, obliterator, Oblivion, oblivious, oblivious(p), obliviousness
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A small, statically scoped untyped language by Luca Cardelli, 1993. Obliq is object-oriented, higher order, concurrent, and distributed. State is local to an address space, while computation can migrate over the network. The distributed computation mechanism is based on Modula-3 network objects. |
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