Meaning of MORIA
Matching Terms: | | Moriah, Morian, Moribund, Moric, Morice, Morigerate, Morigeration, Morigerous, Moril, Morin, Morinda, Morindin, Morinel, Moringa, Moringic, Morintannic, Morion, Morioplasty, Morisco, Morisk
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | /mor'ee-*/ Like nethack and rogue, one of the large PD Dungeons and Dragons-like simulation games, available for a wide range of machines and operating systems. The name is from Tolkien's Mines of Moria; compare elder days, elvish. The game is extremely addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking. [Jargon File] |
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