Meaning of MAC-1
Matching Terms: | | Mac, MAC address, Mac II, Mac IIcx, Mac OS, Mac Playmate, MAC-360, macabre, Macaca, Macaca irus, Macaca mulatta, Macaca radiata, Macaca sylvana, Macaco, Macacus, macadam, macadamia, Macadamia integrifolia, macadamia nut, macadamia nut tree, Macadamia ternifolia, Macadamia tetraphylla, macadamia tree, macadamise, macadamised, Macadamization, Macadamize, macadamized, macamba, MACAnalyst, Macao, Macao monetary unit, macaque, Macaranga gum, Macarize, Macaroni, macaroni and cheese, macaroni salad, Macaronian, macaronic, Macaroon, MacArthur, Macartney, Macassar oil, Macau, Macauco, Macaulay, --Macaulay., Macavahu, macaw, Macbeth, MacBinary, Maccabean, Maccabees, Maccabees, Books of the, Maccaboy, maccaroni wheat, Macco, MACDesigner, macdink, MacDowell, MACE, macebearer, macedoine, Mac'edoine, Macedon, Macedonia, Macedonian, Macedonianism, Macer, Macerate, Macerater, maceration, macerative, MacGregor, Mach, Mach Interface Generator, Mach number, Machaeranthera, Machaeranthera bigelovii, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia, Machaeranthera tortifoloia, Machaerodus, Machaerus, Machbanai, Machbenah, Macher, machete, Machi, Machiavelian, Machiavelism, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, Machiavellianism, machicolate, Machicolated, machicolation, Machicoulis, machilid, Machilidae, machinable, Machinal, Machinate, machination, Machinator, machine, machine bolt, machine code, machine cycle, machine gun, machine gunner, machine language, machine learning, machine operation, machine pistol, machine politician, machine readable, machine readable dictionary, machine rifle, machine screw, machine shop, machine stitch, machine tool, machine translation, machine wash, machine-accessible, machine-controlled, machine-displayable text, machine-driven, machinelike, machine-made, machine-oriented language, Machiner, machine-readable text, machinery, Machining, Machinist, machinist's vise, Machir, machismo, machmeter, Macho, machoflops, macho-man, Machpelah, Macilency, Macilent, Macintosh, Macintosh Common Lisp, Macintosh file system, Macintosh II, Macintosh IIcx, Macintosh Operating System, Macintosh user interface, Macintoy, Macintrash, mack, Mack Sennett, Mackenzie, Mackenzie River, Mackerel, mackerel scad, mackerel shad, mackerel shark, mackerel sky, Mackinac Bridge, mackinaw, Mackinaw blanket, Mackinaw boat, Mackinaw coat, Mackinaw trout, mackintosh, Mackle, MACL, Macle, Macleaya, Macleaya cordata, Macled, MacLeish, Macleod, MacLisp, Maclura, Maclura pomifera, Maclurea, Maclurin, MacMinix, Macon, maconnais, Macoun, Macowanites, Macowanites americanus, MacPPP, macrame, Macrame lace, Macrencephalic, macrencephalous, macrencephaly, macro, Macro-, macro instruction, Macro SAP, macroalgae, macroangiopathy, macrobenthos, Macrobiotic, macrobiotic diet, macrobiotics, macroblade, Macrocalcifications, macrocephalic, Macrocephalon, Macrocephalon maleo, Macrocephalous, macrocephaly, Macrocheira, Macrocheira kaempferi, Macro-chemistry, Macrochires, Macroclemys, Macroclemys temmincki, macrocosm, macrocosmic, Macrocystis, macrocyte, macrocytic anaemia, macrocytic anemia, macrocytosis, Macrodactyl, Macrodactylic, Macrodactylus, Macrodactylus subspinosus, Macrodantin, Macrodiagonal, Macrodome, Macrodont, macroeconomic, macroeconomic expert, macroeconomics, macroeconomist, macroevolution, macrofamily, Macrofarad, macrofauna, macroglia, Macroglossia, Macrognathic, Macrograph, Macrography, macrogyria, macroinfauna, macroinvertebrate, Macrology, Macromedia, Macrometer, macromolecular, macromolecule, macron, Macronectes, Macronectes giganteus, macronucleus, Macropetalous, Macrophage, Macrophyllous, macrophyte, Macropinacoid, Macropod, Macropodal, Macropodian, Macropodidae, Macropodous, Macroprism, Macropteres, Macropterous, Macropus, Macropus agiles, Macropus giganteus, Macropyramid, Macrorestriction map, Macrorhamphosidae, macroscopic, macroscopic anatomy, macroscopic pathology, macroscopical, macroscopically, Macrosomia, Macrosporangium, macrospore, Macrosporic, macrotape, Macrothelypteris, Macrotis, Macrotis lagotis, Macrotone, Macrotous, macrotus, Macrotus californicus, Macrotyloma, Macrotyloma uniflorum, Macroura, Macrouridae, Macrovascular disease, macrovascular diseases, macrozamia, Macrozamia communis, Macrozamia spiralis, Macrozoarces, Macrozoarces americanus, Macrozoospore, Macrura, Macrural, Macruran, Macruridae, Macruroid, Macrurous, MACSYMA, Mactation, MacTCP, Mactra, Macula, macula lutea, macular area, Macular edema, maculate, Maculated, maculation, Maculatory, Maculature, macule, Maculose, macumba, macushla, MacX
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | The assembly language used in the book cited below. See Mic-1. ["Structured Computer Organization", A.S. Tanenbaum, 3rd Edition, P-H 1989, Sect. 4.3]. |
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