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Meaning of LOGLAN

Matching Terms:  Loglan'82, Loglan-88

Computing Dictionary

(Later "Lojban" /lozh'bahn/) An artificial human language designed by James Cooke Brown in the late 1950s.

Most artificial human languages devised in the 19th and 20th centuries (e.g. Esperanto) were designed to be easy to learn. Loglan, however, is unique in that its chief design goal was to avoid synactic ambiguity -- the kind that arises when trying to parse sentences like "The blind man picked up the hammer and saw".

Loglan is thus the only human language unambiguously parseable by a formal grammar (assuming you count Loglan as a human language; its grammar is not at all like that of any natural human language).

Most later development on Loglan continued under the name "Lojban".

The Loglan Institute, Inc. is a non-profit research corporation.

Loglan is apparently unrelated to the programming languages Loglan'82 or Loglan-88.

Halcyon Loglan.

Helsinki Lojban.

Address: The Loglan Institute, Inc., 3009 Peters Way, San Diego, CA, 92117-4313 U.S.A.

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: +1 (619) 270 1691.

["Scientific American", June 1960].
