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Meaning of INTEGER

Pronunciation:  'intijur

Matching Terms:  Integer SPECbaserate, Integer SPECbaseratio, Integer SPECrate, Integer SPECratio

Computing Dictionary

(Or "whole number") One of the finite numbers in the infinite set

        ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

An inductive definition of an integer is a number that is either zero or an integer plus or minus one. An integer is a number with no fractional part. If written as a fixed-point number, the part after the decimal (or other base) point will be zero.

A natural number is a non-negative integer.

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: algebraic number, article, cardinal, cardinal number, cipher, collectivity, complex, complex number, defective number, digit, embodiment, entirety, entity, even number, figure, finite number, fraction, Gaussian integer, imaginary number, impair, individual, infinity, integration, integrity, irrational, irrational number, item, mixed number, module, numeral, oneness, ordinal, organic unity, pair, person, persona, point, polygonal number, prime number, pure imaginary, rational, rational number, real, real number, rectangular number, round number, serial number, single, singleton, soul, surd, totality, transcendental number, transfinite number, unit, unity, whole, whole number