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Meaning of FRESCO

Pronunciation:  'freskow

Matching Terms:  Frescade

Computing Dictionary

1. An object-oriented API for graphical user interfaces, under development by the X Consortium as an open, multi-vendor standard.

2. An object-oriented specification language.

["Refinement in Fresco", in Object Oriented Specification Case Studies, K. Lano et al eds, P-H 1993].

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstract, abstraction, altarpiece, apply paint, bedaub, bedizen, begild, besmear, block print, brush on paint, calcimine, calcimining, coat, coating, collage, color, color print, complexion, copy, cover, covering, cyclorama, dab, daub, deep-dye, dip, diptych, distemper, double-dye, dye, emblazon, enamel, enameling, engild, engraving, face, fast-dye, gild, gilding, glaze, glazing, gloss, glossing, grain, hue, icon, illuminate, illumination, illustration, image, imbue, ingrain, japan, japanning, lacquer, lay on color, likeness, miniature, montage, mosaic, mural, paint, painting, panorama, parget, photograph, picture, pigment, prime, priming, print, representation, reproduction, shade, shadow, shellac, shellacking, slop on paint, smear, stain, stained glass window, staining, stencil, still life, stipple, stippling, tableau, tapestry, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tone, triptych, undercoat, undercoating, varnish, varnishing, wall painting, wash, whitewash, whitewashing