Meaning of COMMEN
Matching Terms: | | comme il faut, Commeasurable, Commeasure, commedia dell'arte, commelina, Commelinaceae, Commelinales, Commelinidae, Commemorable, commemorate, commemorating, Commemoration, Commemorative, Commemorator, Commemoratory, Commence, commencement, commencement ceremony, commencement day, commencement exercise, commend, Commendable, Commendam, Commendatary, commendation, Commendator, Commendatory, Commender, Commensal, Commensalism, Commensality, commensally, Commensation, Commensurability, Commensurable, Commensurably, commensurate, Commensurately, Commensurateness, Commensuration, comment, comment out, commentary, commentate, Commentation, Commentator, Commentatorial, Commentatorship, Commenter, Commentitious, Commerce, Commerce Department, Commerce destroyer, Commerce Secretary, commercial, commercial activity, commercial agency, commercial art, commercial artist, commercial at, commercial bank, commercial bribery, commercial credit, commercial credit company, commercial document, commercial enterprise, commercial finance company, commercial instrument, Commercial Internet eXchange, commercial law, commercial letter of credit, commercial loan, commercial message, commercial paper, Commercial Translator, commercial traveler, commercial traveller, commercialisation, commercialise, commercialised, commercialism, commercialization, commercialize, commercialized, Commercially
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | [L.J. Cohen. Proc SJCC 30:671-676, AFIPS (Spring 1967)]. |
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