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Meaning of SEIZURE

Pronunciation:  'seezyoor

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the taking possession of something by legal process
  2. [n]  the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
  3. [n]  the act of taking of a person by force
  4. [n]  a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure"
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 Synonyms: capture, gaining control, ictus, raptus
 See Also: abduction, acquiring, apprehension, appropriation, arrest, arrogation, attack, catch, collar, confiscation, conquering, conquest, convulsion, distraint, distress, enslavement, felony, focal seizure, getting, impounding, impoundment, impress, impressment, internment, kidnapping, pinch, poundage, raptus hemorrhagicus, recapture, snatch, subjection, subjugation, taking into custody, usurpation



Products Dictionary

When an American senator named Ashley Butler is appointed to chair a subcommittee that aims to ban cloning, he sees a chance to defend the American values he holds dear. His opposite number is Daniel Lowell, an entrepreneurial M.D. with a new angle on stem cell research. As the two men come into conflict, the situation gets ugly--particularly when it`s revealed that neither one has pure motives. Then things become even more complicated when Butler develops Parkinson`s disease, and turns to Lowell for help....

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Sei"zure\, n.
1. The act of seizing, or the state of being seized; sudden
   and violent grasp or gripe; a taking into possession; as,
   the seizure of a thief, a property, a throne, etc.
2. Retention within one's grasp or power; hold; possession;
         Make o'er thy honor by a deed of trust, And give me
         seizure of the mighty wealth.         --Dryden.
3. That which is seized, or taken possession of; a thing laid
   hold of, or possessed.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you a seizure, suggests that you need to have more control in your life.