Meaning of HAND
Pronunciation: | | hand
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming of your hands, represents your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. Perhaps you need to lend out a helping hand to someone. In particular, the left hand symbolizes your graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities. And the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. It may also be a pun for some decision or something being "right".
Dreaming that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart.
Dreaming that you hands are injured indicates an attack on your ego.
Dreaming that your hands are clasped or closed means unity, completeness, acceptance or agreement. On a more negative note, it may suggest that you are close-minded, ungiving or unwilling to help.
Dreaming that you have unusually large hands indicates much success in achieving your goals.
Dreaming that your hands are hairy or rough, implies your lack of gentleness in dealing with others. You may be too brash and abrasive.
Seeing blood on your hands means that you are experiencing some sort of guilt.
Dreaming that you are washing your hands, represents a worrisome issue that you need to work through. Alternatively, it suggests that you are no longer taking responsibilities in some matter. You are letting go and getting things out of your system. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abalienate, accessible, acclaim, acclamation, accomplished fact, accomplishment, ace, achievement, act, acta, action, Adamite, administration, adventure, agency, aid, alien, alienate, amortize, angle, appendage, applause, approaching, arm, arrow, aspect, assign, assist, assistance, at hand, auspices, authority, autograph, autography, bakehead, bank, barter, beam, being, bequeath, best bower, big hand, black gang, blaze, blow, blue-collar worker, body, boilerman, boost, border, bough, bower, branch, breadwinner, broadside, buck, bungs, burst of applause, cabin boy, calligraphy, cards, care, casual, casual laborer, cat, cede, chap, character, charge, cheek, cheer, chips, chirography, chop, christcross, cipher, circulate, clap, clapping, clapping of hands, claws, close, close by, closely, clubs, clutches, coast, come across with, comfort, command, commissary steward, common laborer, compass needle, complement, confer, connivingly, consign, control, convenient, convey, countermark, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, coup, creature, cross, cure, custodianship, custody, customer, day laborer, deal out, dealings, deck, deckhand, deckie, deed, deed over, deliver, deliver over, demise, deuce, device, devolve upon, diamonds, digits, direction, direction post, disburse, dish out, dispense, disposal, disposition, disseminate, distribute, doing, doings, dole out, domination, dominion, duck, dummy, earthling, easily, eclat, effort, effortlessly, empery, empire, employee, encore, endeavor, endorsement, enfeoff, enterprise, exchange, exploit, face cards, facet, factory worker, fait accompli, fangs, feat, feed, fellow, find, finger post, fingernails, fingers, fireman, fist, flank, flush, fork over, forward, free lance, free-lancer, full house, full-time worker, gest, give, give in, give out, give over, give title to, give up, go, governance, government, graphanalysis, graphology, graphometry, grasp, grip, gripe, groundling, guardianship, guidance, guide, guideboard, guidepost, gun loader, gunner, guy, hand, hand down, hand in, hand in glove, hand in hand, hand on, hand out, hand over, handclap, handclapping, handedness, handiwork, hands, hands down, handwriting, handy, haunch, head, hearts, helm, help, helping hand, hip, hold, homo, hooks, hospital steward, hour hand, human, human being, imminent, imp, in cahoots, in collusion, in league, index, index finger, indicator, individual, industrial worker, influence, initials, intimately, involvement, iron hand, jack, jaws, job, jobber, jobholder, John Hancock, joint, jointly, joker, jowl, jurisdiction, keeping, king, knave, laborer, laboring man, landing signalman, laterality, lead, left bower, leg, leg up, life, lift, like mad, limb, link, living soul, lobe, lobule, lubber line, mail orderly, make over, man, management, mandibles, maneuver, manuscript, many-sidedness, mark, mark of signature, mastership, mastery, maxillae, measure, meathooks, member, menial, mete out, migrant, milepost, ministry, minute hand, mitts, moiler, monogram, mortal, move, multilaterality, nails, navigator, navvy, near, nearby, needle, negotiate, nippers, nose, offer, office temporary, offshoot, oiler, on hand, one, operation, operative, organ, ovation, oversight, overt act, pack, pair, paleography, palm, part, participation, party, pass, pass on, pass out, pass over, passage, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, paw, pencraft, penmanship, penscript, performance, person, personage, personality, picture cards, pincers, pinion, planking, plaudit, playing cards, pointer, popularity, possession, pounces, power, present, present to, proceeding, production, proffer, profile, proletarian, protectorship, provide, purser, quarter, queen, quickly, radio operator, raj, ramification, rapidly, reach, readily, regnancy, reign, reins of government, relief, render, res gestae, resign, round, round of applause, roustabout, royal flush, rubber, ruff, rule, runner, safe hands, salaried worker, scion, script, scription, scrive, seal, self-employed person, sell, servant, settle, settle on, share, shoot, shore, side, siding, sigil, sign away, sign manual, sign over, signature, signboard, signet, signpost, single, singleton, snip, snips, somebody, someone, soul, sovereignty, spades, sparks, speedily, spray, sprig, spur, steadily, step, steward, stewardess, stewardship, stiff, stoker, straight, stroke, stunt, stylography, submit, subscription, succor, supervision, supply, support, surrender, sway, swiftly, switch, tail, talons, teeth, tellurian, temple, temporary, tender, tendril, terran, thing, thing done, thunder of applause, to hand, together, toiler, torpedoman, touch, tour de force, trade, transaction, transfer, transmit, trey, trick, trump, turn, turn over, tutelage, twig, undertaking, unguals, ungulae, unilaterality, visa, vise, wage earner, wage slave, wageworker, ward, wardenship, wardship, watch, watch and ward, will, wing, work, worker, workgirl, workhand, working girl, workingman, workingwoman, workman, works, worldling, X, yeoman, yield |