Meaning of DUMMY
Pronunciation: | | 'dumee
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
- [n] a figure representing the human form
- [n] an ignorant or foolish person
- [n] a person who does not talk
- [adj] having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to function; "a dummy corporation"
- [v] make a dummy of; as of books or pages to be published
| Websites: | | |
| Synonyms: | | artificial, blank, blank shell, boob, booby, dope, dumbbell, dummy up, pinhead, silent person, unreal |
| See Also: | | cartridge, create, deaf-and-dumb person, deaf-mute, figure, form, lay figure, make, manakin, manikin, mannequin, mannikin, mute, produce, simple, simpleton, ventriloquist's dummy | |
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dummy Dummy more details ... |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Dum"my\, a. [See {Dumb}.]
1. Silent; mute; noiseless; as a dummy engine.
2. Fictitious or sham; feigned; as, a dummy watch.
{Dummy car}. See under {Car}.
\Dum"my\, n.; pl. {Dummies}.
1. One who is dumb. --H. Smith.
2. A sham package in a shop, or one which does not contain
what its exterior indicates.
3. An imitation or copy of something, to be used as a
substitute; a model; a lay figure; as, a figure on which
clothing is exhibited in shop windows; a blank paper copy
used to show the size of the future book, etc.
4. (Drama) One who plays a merely nominal part in any action;
a sham character.
5. A thick-witted person; a dolt. [Colloq.]
6. (Railroad) A locomotive with condensing engines, and,
hence, without the noise of escaping steam; also, a dummy
7. (Card Playing) The fourth or exposed hand when three
persons play at a four-handed game of cards.
8. A floating barge connected with a pier. --Knight.
{To play dummy}, to play the exposed or dummy hand in cards.
The partner of the dummy plays it.
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a dummy in your dream indicates that a critical component is lacking in your relationship. You are feeling unchallenged and unfulfilled. The relationship is making you feel empty. The dream may also point to how you or someone has acted foolishly and stupidly in a situation. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a nobody, a nothing, ace, adherent, advocate, affected, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, ancilla, apocryphal, appliance, artificial, ass, assumed, attorney, backup, backup man, bastard, best bower, block, blockhead, Boeotian, bogus, bower, brummagem, burlesque, bust, cards, carving, champion, change, changeling, Charlie McCarthy, cheat, cipher, clay model, clinquant, clod, clubs, cold-type typesetting, colorable, colored, common man, comparison, composing, composing stick, composition, computerized typesetting, contrivance, copy, counterfeit, counterfeited, creature, deaf-mute, deck, deputy, deuce, device, diamonds, dimwit, disciple, distorted, doll, dolly, dolt, donkey, dope, double, dressed up, dud, dullard, dullhead, dumb cluck, dumbbell, dummkopf, dunce, dupe, duplication, embellished, embroidered, equal, equivalent, ersatz, exchange, executive officer, exponent, face cards, facsimile, factitious, fake, faked, fakement, false, falsified, fantoccini, feigned, fictitious, fictive, figure, figurehead, figurine, fill-in, flunky, flush, follower, fool, forgery, frame-up, fraud, front, front man, full house, furniture, galley chase, garbled, ghost, ghostwriter, gillie, gingerbread man, go-between, goon, gowk, hand, handmaid, handmaiden, hanger-on, hearts, henchman, hoax, hollow man, hot-metal typesetting, idiot, ignoramus, illegitimate, imitation, implement, imposition, impostor, insignificancy, instrument, interagent, intermediary, intermediate, intermedium, Intertype, jack, jackal, jackstraw, jobbernowl, joker, junk, junky, justification, king, knave, knockoff, lackey, lackwit, lamebrain, lay figure, layout, left bower, lever, lieutenant, lightweight, likeness, line of type, Linotype, little fellow, little guy, locum, locum tenens, looby, loon, make-believe, makeshift, man, man of straw, manikin, man-made, mannequin, mannikin, marionette, mechanism, mediator, mediocrity, medium, metaphor, metonymy, midwife, minion, mock, mock-up, model, Monotype, monument, moron, mute, myrmidon, nebbish, next best thing, niais, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nitwit, nobody, nobody one knows, noddy, nominal head, nonentity, nothing, nullity, numskull, obscurity, organ, pacifier, pack, pair, paranymph, paraphrase, parody, paste, pawn, personnel, perverted, phony, photocomposition, photosetting, phototypesetter, phototypesetting machine, picture cards, pilot model, pinch, pinch hitter, pinchbeck, pip-squeak, playing cards, plaything, pleader, portrait bust, pretended, procurator, provisional, proxy, pseudo, punk, puppet, pushover, put, put-on, put-up job, quasi, queen, queer, quoin, relief, replacement, replica, representation, representative, reprint, reproduction, reserve, reserves, ringer, rip-off, round, royal flush, rubber, ruff, runt, sample, satellite, scarecrow, scrub, sculpture, second in command, second string, secondary, self-styled, servant, setting, sham, shoddy, shrimp, sign, simpleton, simulacrum, simulated, simulation, singleton, slave, slug, small fry, small potato, small potatoes, snowman, so-called, soi-disant, spades, spare, spares, spurious, squirt, squit, stand-in, statuary, statue, statuette, stooge, stopgap, straight, stupid, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, superseder, supplanter, supposititious, surrogate, swindle, sycophant, symbol, synecdoche, synthetic, tentative, thickwit, thing of naught, third string, thug, tin, tinsel, titivated, token, tool, toy, travesty, trey, trick, trifle, trump, twisted, typesetting, typesetting machine, unauthentic, understudy, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, utility, utility man, utility player, vehicle, version, vicar, vicar general, vicarious, vice, vicegerent, vice-president, vice-regent, votary, warped, wax figure, waxwork, whiffet, whippersnapper, whited sepulcher, witling, wood carving, wood model, yes-man, zero |