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Meaning of CINEMA

Pronunciation:  'sinumu

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a theater where films are shown
  2. [n]  a medium (art or business) that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverange of sporting events"
 Synonyms: celluloid, film, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre, picture palace
 See Also: bioscope, fleapit, house, medium, silver screen, theater, theatre



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: 3-D, animated cartoon, art film, black-and-white film, cartoon, chiller, cine, cinema verite, Cinemascope, cinematograph, Cinerama, color film, creepie, documentary, documentary film, drive-in, educational film, feature, film, flick, flicker, horror picture, horse opera, kinematograph, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, movie theater, moving picture, moving-picture theater, newsreel, nickelodeon, nouvelle vague, nudie, photodrama, photoplay, picture, picture house, picture palace, picture show, pornographic film, preview, short, show, silent, silent film, skin flick, sneak preview, spaghetti Western, talkie, talking picture, Technicolor, the cinema, the movies, the pictures, the screen, the silver screen, thriller, trailer, underground film, Western