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Meaning of TOPSY-TURVY

Pronunciation:  'tâpsee'turvee, t'âpseet'urvee

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  in disorderly haste; "we ran head over heels toward the shelter"
  2. [adv]  in a disordered manner; "they were piled up higgledy-piggledy"
  3. [adj]  in utter disorder; "a disorderly pile of clothes"
 Synonyms: disorderly, head over heels, heels over head, higgledy-piggledy, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, in great confusion, jumbled, topsy-turvily, untidy



Products Dictionary

Sabrina is tired of her friends thinking that her life is perfect, so she casts a spell that will force them to see how her life really is, but something goes wrong and now she and her aunts don't have magic, but mortals do.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Top"sy-tur"vy\, adv. [Earlier topside-turvey,
topsy-tervy; probably for top so turvy; that is, the top as
turvy, as it were turvy; where turvy probably means,
overturned, fr. {AS}. torfian to throw.]
In an inverted posture; with the top or head downward; upside
down; as, to turn a carriage topsy-turvy.