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Meaning of SPANNER

Pronunciation:  'spanur

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt
 Synonyms: wrench
 See Also: adjustable spanner, adjustable wrench, Allen wrench, alligator wrench, box end wrench, box wrench, brace wrench, bulldog wrench, carriage wrench, dog wrench, hand tool, hook spanner, hook wrench, jaw, jaws, lug wrench, open-end wrench, pin wrench, screw key, socket wrench, sparkplug wrench, tap wrench, tappet wrench, torque wrench



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Span"ner\, n.
1. One who, or that which, spans.
2. The lock of a fusee or carbine; also, the fusee or carbine
   itself. [Obs.]
3. An iron instrument having a jaw to fit a nut or the head
   of a bolt, and used as a lever to turn it with; a wrench;
   specifically, a wrench for unscrewing or tightening the
   couplings of hose.
4. pl. A contrivance in some of the ealier steam engines for
   moving the valves for the alternate admission and shutting
   off of the steam.