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Pronunciation:  `owvur'welming

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  very intense; "politics is his consuming passion"; "overwhelming joy"
  2. [adj]  so strong as to be irresistible; "an overpowering need for solitude"; "the temptation to despair may become overwhelming"; "an overwhelming majority"
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 Synonyms: consuming, intense, irresistible, overpowering, resistless



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\O`ver*whelm"ing\, a.
Overpowering; irresistible. -- {O`ver*whelm"ing*ly}, adv.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absolute, adducible, admissible, agitating, amazing, astonishing, astounding, attestative, attestive, authentic, awe-inspiring, awesome, based on, bewildering, breathtaking, burdensome, certain, charged, circumstantial, cliff-hanging, conclusive, confounding, convincing, crushing, cumulative, damning, decisive, determinative, devastating, disquieting, distracting, disturbing, documentary, documented, electric, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, exciting, exhilarating, eye-opening, eye-witness, factual, final, firsthand, formidable, founded on, galvanic, grounded on, heady, hearsay, heart-expanding, heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling, impenetrable, implicit, impregnable, impressive, incontestable, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, indomitable, inexpugnable, inflammatory, insuperable, intoxicating, invincible, inviolable, invulnerable, irrefutable, irresistible, jarring, jolting, maddening, material, mind-blowing, mind-boggling, monumental, moving, nuncupative, overcoming, overmastering, overmatching, overpowering, perturbing, piquant, presumptive, probative, prodigious, provocative, provoking, ravishing, reliable, resistless, significant, soul-stirring, spectacular, spirit-stirring, staggering, startling, stimulating, stimulative, stirring, striking, stunning, stupefying, suggestive, sure, surprising, suspenseful, suspensive, symptomatic, tantalizing, telling, thrilling, thrilly, troubling, unassailable, unbearable, unbeatable, unconquerable, uncontrollable, unendurable, unsettling, unsubduable, unsurmountable, unyielding, upsetting, valid, weighty