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Meaning of ONE(A)

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  eminent beyond or above comparison; "matchless beauty"; "the team's nonpareil center fielder"; "she's one girl in a million"; "the one and only Muhammad Ali"; "a peerless scholar"; "infamy unmatched in the Western world"; "wrote with unmatchable clarity"; "unrivaled mastery of her art"
  2. [adj]  indefinite in time or position; "he will come one day"; "one place or another"
  3. [adj]  particular but unspecified; "early one evening"
  4. [adj]  used informally as an intensifier; "that is one fine dog"
  5. [adj]  of the same kind or quality; "two animals of one species"
  6. [adj]  being one in number--a single unit or thing; "one person is going"; "her one thought was to win"; "I'm just one player on the team"; "one day is just like the next"; "seen one horse and you've seen them all"
  7. [adj]  being the single appropriate individual of a kind; only; "the one horse that could win this race"; "the one person I could marry"
  8. [adj]  having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice"
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 Synonyms: extraordinary, incomparable, indefinite, matchless, nonpareil, one and only(a), peerless, same, single(a), uncomparable, unitary, united, unmatchable, unmatched, unrivaled, unrivalled, unspecified