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Meaning of MEDALLION

Pronunciation:  mu'dalyun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
  2. [n]  an emblem indicating that a taxicab is registered
  3. [n]  a circular helping of food (especially a boneless cut of meat); "medallions of veal"
  4. [n]  any of various large ancient Greek coins
 Synonyms: decoration, laurel wreath, medal, palm, ribbon
 See Also: accolade, Air Medal, allegory, award, bronze medal, Bronze Star, Bronze Star Medal, coin, Congressional Medal of Honor, Croix de Guerre, Distinguished Conduct Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Order, emblem, gold medal, helping, honor, honour, laurels, Medaille Militaire, Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, Order of the Purple Heart, portion, Purple Heart, serving, silver medal, Silver Star, Silver Star Medal, Victoria Cross



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Me*dal"lion\, n. [F. m['e]daillion, It. medaglione,
augm. of medaglia. See {Medal}.]
1. A large medal or memorial coin.
2. A circular or oval (or, sometimes, square) tablet bearing
   a figure or figures represented in relief.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: anaglyph, bas-relief, boss, Bronze Star Medal, cameo, cameo glass, cavo-rilievo, Croix de Guerre, cut glass, Distinguished Conduct Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Order, Distinguished Unit Citation, embossment, glyph, glyptograph, high relief, intaglio, intaglio rilevato, intaglio rilievo, low relief, mask, Medaille Militaire, medal, Military Cross, military medal, Navy Cross, order, plaquette, relief, relievo, sculptured glass, service medal, Unit Citation, Victoria Cross, war medal