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Meaning of GUTTER

Pronunciation:  'gutur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater
  2. [v]  provide with gutters, of buildings
  3. [v]  wear or cut gutters into; "The heavy rain guttered the soil"
  4. [v]  flow in small streams; "Tears guttered down her face"
  5. [v]  burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker; "The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground"
 Synonyms: trough
 See Also: burn, cater, chute, conduit, course, cullis, dig into, flow, gable roof, glow, ply, poke into, probe, provide, run, saddle roof, saddleback, saddleback roof, slide, slideway, sloping trough, supply



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Gut"ter\, n. [OE. gotere, OF. goutiere, F. goutti[`e]re,
    fr. OF. gote, goute, drop, F. goutte, fr. L. gutta.]
    1. A channel at the eaves of a roof for conveying away the
       rain; an eaves channel; an eaves trough.
    2. A small channel at the roadside or elsewhere, to lead off
       surface water.
             Gutters running with ale.             --Macaulay.
    3. Any narrow channel or groove; as, a gutter formed by
       erosion in the vent of a gun from repeated firing.
    {Gutter member} (Arch.), an architectural member made by
       treating the outside face of the gutter in a decorative
       fashion, or by crowning it with ornaments, regularly
       spaced, like a diminutive battlement.
    {Gutter plane}, a carpenter's plane with a rounded bottom for
       planing out gutters.
    {Gutter snipe}, a neglected boy running at large; a street
       Arab. [Slang]
    {Gutter stick} (Printing), one of the pieces of furniture
       which separate pages in a form.
  2. \Gut*ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Guttered}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Guttering}.]
    1. To cut or form into small longitudinal hollows; to
       channel. --Shak.
    2. To supply with a gutter or gutters. [R.] --Dryden.
  3. \Gut"ter\, v. i.
    To become channeled, as a candle when the flame flares in the
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of the gutter means degradation and unhappiness to others. Finding articles of value in the gutter in your dream means that your claims to certain property will be called into question.
Easton Bible Dictionary

Heb. tsinnor, (2 Sam. 5:8). This Hebrew word occurs only elsewhere in Ps. 42:7 in the plural, where it is rendered "waterspouts." It denotes some passage through which water passed; a water-course.

In Gen. 30:38, 41 the Hebrew word rendered "gutters" is _rahat_, and denotes vessels overflowing with water for cattle (Ex. 2:16); drinking-troughs.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aqueduct, beat, beneath one, bicker, broad, canal, canalization, channel, cheap, chute, cloaca, cloaca maxima, coarse, crimp, cut, dance, debasing, degrading, demeaning, deplorable, dike, disgraceful, ditch, drain, earthy, eaves trough, entrenchment, flap, flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, flop, flutter, fosse, frank, go pitapat, goffer, gross, guide, ha-ha, headchute, humiliating, humiliative, infra dig, infra indignitatem, kennel, low, moat, opprobrious, outrageous, palpitate, penstock, pentrough, piscina, pitiful, pitter-patter, pleat, pulse, rank, raw, sad, scandalous, scupper, sewer, shameful, shocking, shoot, sink, slat, sluice, sorry, sough, splutter, sputter, sump, sunk fence, throb, too bad, trench, trough, unbecoming, uncouth, unworthy of one, vulgar, wave, waver