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Meaning of GROW UP

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  become an adult
 See Also: come of age, grow, maturate, mature



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Grow Up
As our culture increasingly glorifies the carefree pleasures of youth, many people grow despondent when the reality of adult responsibility pulls them farther away from their youthful hopes and expectations. Dr. Frank Pittman`s solution to this modern malaise is refreshingly simple: Grow up. Stop confusing happiness with self-indulgence. And, most important, stop whining and start taking responsibility for everything you do.

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: age, arise, ascend, attain majority, bear fruit, bloom, blossom, blow, brew, bring to maturity, burgeon, come of age, come to fruition, come to maturity, come up, curl upwards, develop, fledge, flourish, flower, gather, germinate, go up, grow, hypertrophy, increase, leave the nest, levitate, loom, maturate, mature, mellow, mount, mushroom, outgrow, overdevelop, overgrow, overtop, procreate, pullulate, reach its season, reach manhood, reach maturity, reach twenty-one, reach voting age, rear, rear up, reproduce, ripe, ripen, rise, rise up, season, settle down, shoot up, spiral, spire, spring up, sprout, sprout up, stand up, surge, swarm up, sweep up, temper, thrive, toga virilis, tower, up, upgo, upgrow, upheave, uprise, upshoot, upspear, upspin, upspring, upsprout, upstream, upsurge, upswarm, upwind, vegetate, wax